Dear CCHA Members::

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer and staying cool.   The storms haven’t been as severe as last year, and we hope it stays that way because, as we know, that creates more dangers in our colonia and additional work for our staff.


We had a strong first half of the year, and I’m thrilled to share our progress.  Our work has been focused around:


*Reducing costs by outsourcing some of our services.

*Hiring a new in-house, full-time administrator with experience in overseeing      operations of medium to large size organizations.

*Identifying new technologies that can help us improve our invoicing and facture process.


I strongly believe that these changes will improve our efforts in the colonia and help our property values stay strong.  In the second half of the year we will be developing our 2023 budget forecast and planning for our annual assembly, which is tentatively scheduled for March 23rd.


I appreciate all the kind words and support many of you have given me over the past three years as I volunteer my time to be the president of the CCHA Board.  I’m impassioned about volunteering to help my community and the social causes that I care about.  Conchas Chinas is my full-time home, and I want to do my part in making it the best place to live in all of Vallarta.


Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you soon!






Jeff Wright

President, CCHA







Landscaping, Maintenance and Gardening Projects


Legal Efforts


*Record Membership Dues of $1,323,000 received as of June 30, 2022 as more owners have joined as members of our association.

*This represents an increase of 15% of dues collected in the same period in 2021 and an increase of 45% of dues collected for the full year of 2019.

*We expect to meet our budget projection of $1,500,000 in dues revenues by the end of the 3rd Quarter.

*Membership dues were last raised in 2019:

Increases in costs of materials and labor would warrant an increase in the membership fees, but our objective has been to increase the participation by owners to equitably share in the costs of maintaining the neighborhood.

*Preliminary results of the operations for six months indicate a surplus of $550,000, well ahead of the surplus of $338,000 recorded in 2021 for the same period.

*$250,000 budgeted for Road Repair is the highest allocation in 3 years, but appears insufficient to repair the roads properly (see details below).  A request for “donations for roads” has yielded $85,000 to date. 

Members who would like more financial details can send an email to and request that information.



Congratulations to our CCHA Board for achieving the highest number of members in the history of our organization!!  This year we have received more money in membership dues than ever before, and we continue to gain new members.  We are very appreciative of all of our CCHA members.  It is with your membership dues that we continue to maintain the neighborhood.  We have been cautious in our spending this year because of funding issues over the past few years caused by Covid, the hurricane, small landslides, and other unexpected and costly issues, but you will be seeing many improvements to the colonia as we go into the high season in a few months.

Remember, your membership dues fund improvements and repairs to the neighborhood, staffing costs, lighting, roads, etc.  All money spent on our legal efforts or any other special projects come from separate donations from individuals, and those funds are segregated in separate bank accounts.


Office Staff

This month, after an extensive search, we hired a new full-time administrator to help oversee the operations of CCHA and our colonia.  Claudia Resendiz joined our organization just a few weeks ago.  We sent out an email letting you know her background, expertise, and responsibilities.  (If you didn’t see the email, you can find it on our website:  She will be your main contact person for questions or comments about anything that’s happening in Conchas Chinas.

She’ll be in our office at Carretera Barra de Navidad #520 (downstairs from Whiskey Kitchen) Monday through Saturday, unless she is out in the neighborhood working on projects and supervising our workers.

You can reach her by phone or WhatsApp at 322 142 2829, or email at

Additionally, we are working in partnership with a landscape company, PlantCare.  They will be in Conchas Chinas on Mondays and Tuesdays every week.  They will be trimming overgrown trees and plants, hauling off debris, maintaining the gardens, and keeping the colonia in overall good shape.  The PlantCare crew will be working in Lower Conchas Chinas on Monday mornings and early afternoons, and Upper Conchas Chinas on Monday afternoons and Tuesdays.

We still have our own gardener/maintenance man Noe Diaz Pena, who will be working in Conchas Chinas every day, and focusing on special projects


Unfortunately, our streets suffered one of their worst years ever this past year.  The hurricane and heavy rains last August caused increased deterioration to the cement between the cobblestones.  With the water shortage later in the year, the heavy water delivery trucks did even more damage.  The primary culprit, however, is age. Every year the roads have been patched when potholes appear.  Finally, after decades of use, the roads need to be totally redone.  This will, of course, have to be done little-by-little, and it will not be inexpensive.  We need to do the job right so that we’ll get another 25 or 30 years of use before another renovation.  We are working with the City of Puerto Vallarta to help us with this project, but they will not foot the entire bill. 


We’ve had some street light malfunctions this past spring and early summer, but I believe that we’ve gotten most of the problems resolved.  Lights that were on during the day and off at night are now back on the proper schedule, and all lights in the colonia should be working.  If you notice any issues with the lights, please report it to Claudia in our office and we’ll get it taken care of.  We’ll just need a street location, and the light post number will be very helpful, as every light post in Conchas Chinas is numbered.


There seems to be an increase in excessive noise coming from parties in villas and buildings in both Upper and Lower Conchas Chinas, especially in High Season.  The rule for noise is that the volume of music, fireworks, etc. needs to be over, or the volume greatly reduced, by 11:00pm.

We’ve had ongoing problems with one condo building in particular, and we will continue to try to work with owners, caretakers, and (if needed) the legal system and Municipal and State departments to address and stop the noise problem. 

We ask owners who rent their properties to please enforce times to end or significantly lower music/noise levels.  Below is the procedure for reporting noise issues should this be necessary:

1.Call 911

2.Report the noise, including the name of the villa or condo building, and an exact   address   if possible, or at least the closest cross streets.

3.Get a report number (very important)

4.WhatsApp this report number to Claudia at 322 142 2829 so that we will have a record of the problem and the report for follow-up.

Landscaping, Maintenance and Gardening Projects

Earlier this year we completed replanting and renovation of a garden on the beach in front of Orchid.  We also repaired the mosaic tilework at the bus stop at the north entrance to Upper Conchas Chinas, and replanted the garden area just behind that bus stop.  We have added a number of plants to the existing gardens, and we plan to create several new gardens in the common areas in both Upper and Lower Conchas Chinas. 

The hanging baskets on various light posts around the neighborhood did not fare well through the dry season, primarily because CCHA doesn’t have access to water sources near each of these baskets.  We will soon be replanting the baskets with new plants, and they should thrive during the rainy season.  However, during the dry season, we ask that the neighbors near each basket water the plants in those baskets.  Otherwise, we don’t have a way to maintain them, and the baskets will have to be removed.  I hope that if there is a light post with a basket near your home, that you will water it yourself during the dry season, or please make sure that your mozo or gardener waters it.  These baskets can be a great addition to the beauty of Conchas Chinas, but we need neighbors’ help to maintain them.

Unfortunately, there are some people around who like to do damage for no reason.  Several gardens and planters in Conchas Chinas have had the plants poisoned with chemicals and salt.  We are doing our best to replace lost plants, and to revive unhealthy plants.  If you ever see anyone doing anything damaging in the neighborhood, please try to get pictures of the culprits in action and forward them to Claudia or Jeff.

Some of our agave plants were stolen from along the highway earlier this year.  Fortunately, our gardeners saw the thief in action.  We were able to confront him, get the police involved, and recover our lost plants.

We’ve added 50 new garbage cans throughout the neighborhood this year, and this has helped keep trash off the streets.  Later this summer we will be building walls around some of the more-unsightly garbage collection areas.  This will help keep our colonia more beautiful and better-maintained.

Coconuts have been maturing on the neighborhood palm trees recently, and we have had most of the coconut palms cleaned of the ripe coconuts, which can be dangerous should they fall.  We have completed this project along the Conchas Chinas malecon, as well as on Corales in Upper Conchas Chinas.  We are in the process of removing the coconuts from the other trees near the beach in Lower Conchas Chinas.

We are working with the City of Puerto Vallarta to try and construct another stretch of sidewalk which will run along the highway between the OXXO and Calle Easy.  We have had offers of financial help from some very generous Conchas Chinas homeowners, and we believe that we can have the labor provided by City workers.  When I know more about additional costs to fund this project, I’ll let you know.


A lot has happened on the Development front this year.  Please check our website for the amazing accomplishments that we’ve made in this area recently, and our continued efforts.

Legal Efforts

We continue to work with our attorneys to find legal opportunities to prevent new constructions in Conchas Chinas that don’t have the legally required Environmental Impact Reports approved by the federal agency SEMARNAT.  SEMARNAT in Mexico City, not local or state, is the only agency that is legally authorized to approve Environmental Impact Reports.  There are several developers marketing new projects and CCHA will not support projects that are not in compliance with the 2012 Urban Zoning Plan (Plan Parcial), or do not have a federally approved Environmental Impact Report.

Finally, it is an honor and a privilege to serve on the CCHA Board.  As volunteers, our board members give our time, energy, and money to the organization.  Our only compensation is the appreciation that comes from you, our members.  When we see many of you in the neighborhood, you tell us “Thanks” and that we’re doing a good job.  I can’t tell you how much we appreciate that!  That’s what makes it all worthwhile.

We thank all of you who appreciate all that we do for the neighborhood on your behalf.  Keeping a wonderful and prestigious neighborhood like Conchas Chinas in good shape is a big job, and it is a team effort.  Six board members and a small staff cannot do everything; it takes the help of neighbors who are willing to give of their time and resources to continue to make Conchas Chinas the premier neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta and the entire Bay Area.

Thanks to all of you who support us!