La Asociación deColonos de Conchas Chinas se dedica a mejorar y mantener la calidad residencial y la belleza de la comunidad de Conchas Chinas.


La Ciudad de Puerto Vallarta brinda servicios muy limitados a nuestra colonia. Todos los servicios no proporcionados por la ciudad son proporcionados por la CCHA.
Esto cuesta dinero y por eso le pedimos que se convierta en miembro.

Esto es lo que brinda la Ciudad de Puerto Vallarta:

  • Agua
  • Alcantarillado
  • Recolección de Basura
  • Seguridad
  • Bomberos
  • Electricidad para las calles








Esto es lo que ofrece la Asociación de Colonos de Conchas Chinas:

  • Reparación, mantenimiento y limpieza de calles y aceras.
  • Mantenimiento general en toda la Colonia
  • Reparación y mantenimiento de alumbrado público 
  • Proporcionar botes de basura en toda la Colonia
  • Mantenimiento y reemplazo de letreros de calles
  • Eliminación de escombros, especialmente después de las lluvias de verano.
  • Mantenimiento de áreas verdes, incluida la preservación de plantas nativas.
  • Representar a la Colonia con un portavoz de la frente Ayuntamiento

Esto se paga mediante el cobro de cuotas anuales de mantenimiento. Visite la sección de membresía para conocer los precios y los métodos de pago.

Asociación de Colonos

La Asociación de Colonos de Conchas Chinas se dedica a mejorar y mantener la calidad residencial y la belleza de la comunidad de Conchas Chinas.

¡Gracias por visitar el nuevo sitio web de la Asociación de Propietarios de Conchas Chinas (CCHA)!

The CCHA is made up of residents of Conchas Chinas who are committed to maintaining the safety, tranquility, and legacy of this special and unique neighborhood.  It consists of an elected board of six volunteers and an administrator.  We provide and host neighborhood events, home tours, social gatherings for our members, and membership perqs*; however, our primary goal is to improve the quality of life in Conchas Chinas for permanent and part-time residents, as well as for visitors. 

We maintain the gardens, the streets, the lighting, and the infrastructure of the colonia, as well as providing essential services not provided by the City of Puerto Vallarta.  We also represent Conchas Chinas at City Hall in order to ensure and protect our neighborhood from unhealthy and exploitive growth and development, which challenges the infrastructure and disturbs the tranquility and desirability of the colonia.

Some of these goals are becoming more and more difficult to attain.  As we’re all well-aware, Old Town and Amapas have become saturated with new high-rise condominiums.  Not only is the infrastructure, especially the water and sewer systems, overwhelmed by this mass development to the point that it might soon be unsustainable; but the quality of life is also being challenged by uncontrollable noise levels and the disappearance of ocean views.  With each building that goes up closer to the beach, the views from other, formerly-desirable homes and condominiums are blocked, making those buildings less desirable and less valuable. 

Developers are now encroaching onto the beaches of Conchas Chinas.  Some of this development is legal and welcome, but some is illegal and getting harder and harder to curtail.  (Yes, we all know how this happens!) 

Conchas Chinas was originally developed as an upscale residential community not intended to be overdeveloped, and that is why most of us have chosen to live here.  Guidelines were put in place to restrict such overdevelopment, and to keep what has happened in Amapas and The Zona Romantica from happening in Conchas Chinas.  These guidelines are beginning to be ignored and abused.  If the residents of Conchas Chinas continue to allow such unprecedented development in our colonia, we will soon find that the beautiful ocean views have disappeared from all but the newest and tallest condominium buildings in Lower Conchas Chinas.  This will result in not only the lost views, but an infrastructure that is unable to support the increased development, deteriorating desirability, and decreased property values.  Conchas Chinas will have lost its charm and magic.

If you currently live in Conchas Chinas, own property here, or plan on doing so in the future, these issues are very important to you.  The Conchas Chinas Homeowners’ Association has recently been overhauled.  As of March 2020, a new board is working diligently to protect the colonia and its homeowners.  This is a difficult task in light of the measures that some developers who do not have a true interest in the welfare of Conchas Chinas are willing to take in order to pad their pockets at the expense of the most beautiful and prestigious colonia in all of Banderas Bay.

The CCHA must have money in order to protect the interests of its residents.  We ask minimal annual dues which will help maintain the streets, lighting, gardening, and basic services.  Additionally, in order to protect the colonia from the previously mentioned overdevelopment, we seek contributions which will help us legally defend the beauty, desirability, and integrity of Conchas Chinas.

Please become a member of the only association that exists solely to support and protect your neighborhood, and to ensure the quality of life of its homeowners.  This is a very crucial time in the evolution of Conchas Chinas, and we honestly need your support.  Please help us protect our incredible colonia!