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New Member of CCHA Josue Solis

Josue was born in Mexico City and moved to Puerto Vallarta in 2022.
He has a degree in Robotics Engineering from the Instituto Politenico Nacional.
Josue worked full-time for Proctor & Gamble from 2016-2022 in various roles: Quality Assurance, Technology, Operations Department Manager, and Project Manager.
In 2022 he became involved in Property Management Services in Vallarta and oversees several condominiums, specializing in preventative maintenance and a continuous improvement mindset.

Josue began working with the Conchas Chinas Homeowners’ Association as Administrator in January of 2023. 

Garbage Collection Schedule


Urban Zoning Law for Conchas Chinas

July 1st, 2022

(Plan de Desarrollo Urbano para Conchas Chinas).

PRIMERO.- El Honorable Ayuntamiento Constitucional de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, aprueba el Plan Parcial de Desarrollo Urbano del Distrito Urbano 9, con una superficie de 6’953,191.96 m2 o 695-31-91.96 ha y que comprende los siguientes Subdistritos:

  1. Subdistrito Urbano A denominado “Amapas-Conchas Chinas”, con una superficie de 1’657,194.51 m2;

  2. Subdistrito Urbano B denominado “Punta Negra-El Nogalito”, con una superficie de 5’295,997.45 m2;


January 5th, 2022

Yesterday, members of Concha Chinas Homeowners Association board, along with various civic organizations like Salva Vallarta – Save Vallarta, Asociacion De Vecinos De La Colonia Emiliano Zapata PTO. VTA. and Susana Mendoza Carreño from Radio Universidad Puerto Vallarta 104.3 attended a by invitation only roundtable meeting with the Federal Security of Environment & Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) María Luisa Albores González, Puerto Vallarta Mayor Profe Michel, and heads of different federal and local agencies to discuss issues affecting our communities like irregular construction permits, infrastructure (water and sewer) and protecting our green space, ocean, beaches and mountains. The community leaders expressed concerns that the local and federal governments are not doing enough to protect and help save Puerto Vallarta. Officials pledged to address issues and establish a committee that would include community members in attendance.